Ceremonial Mentorship for the world-weavers, visionaries, creatives, and edgewalkers called into The Mystery to live a soul-led life

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Welcome, my name is Stefanie Lorraine Burnham

I am a Mentor, Ceremonialist, Teacher, Akashic Channel, Evolutionary Astrologer, and Personal Mythos Weaver.

Maybe you are here because you are feeling the stir of a deep calling, asking you to let go of obstructions that are inhibiting the channel-flow of your soul’s river. Maybe you have experienced a great loss that has led to grief and a window into the mystery of life. Maybe you are here because you can no longer numb, suppress, hide, contort, squeeze, or passively agree with what is obstructing the nectar of your gifts, message, story, and nature. Maybe you are yearning to steward challenges and wounds, which are really initiations, into a full vessel of medicine. Maybe you hold the memory of a world in communion with the great symphony of the seasons. Or maybe you long to have direct experience with the full life-death-rebirth universal law of life, into soft-bellied reverence for All That Is, presence and expression.

This is the path of self-reliance. This is different from hyper-individualism, something prevalent in the overculture, where separation and isolation are born from materialism. As Soul Initiation Guide Bill Plotkin says, “Self-reliance is the ability to sustain your sacred dance and work with psychological and spiritual tools”. This is the path of befriending the unknown and finding your vision in the dark soil of transition and change.

Here, we share, hold, and collaborate on this participatory global vision together as soulkin. We proverbially sing together, garden together, cocoon together, feel together, support each other, take in the sunrises and sunsets together, bask in joy together, and create together.


Pillars of what I teach and guide

into the soul valleys and spirit peaks.

There cannot be one without the other. Matters of the soul are valleys - a descent into change, alchemy, mystery, and longing. Matters of the spirit are peaks - the ability to transcend, fly, and ecstatically open into the remembrance of divine perfection and wholeness. There cannot be one without the other.

life is a spiral, and we are on earth to learn from her about it.

Compasses like The Medicine Wheel, Rites of Passage, the seasons, and the elements are all maps that bridge nature with our life path. When we follow the spiralic wheels of time, we can steward our sacred vision, integrate our earth ancestry, and restore our true indigenous belonging to the world and to our unique gifts.

in the place where the past, present, and future are one - i will meet you there.

We are all Seers and Oracles of a world that is founded in collaboration, compassion, and coherence. As we deepen into the mystery, our sensitivities and Clairs naturally enhance. When we learn how to See with Akashic Perspective, we have a direct communication line with God - no intermediary necessary.

the cosmos and celestial bodies are our mirrors.

Just as the plants, elements, and seasons teach us about ourselves, so does the limitlessness of our universe and solar system. The configuration of the planets and constellations at the time and location of our birth is a map that can open up pathways of remembrance.


The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.

Don’t go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.

Don’t go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch.

The door is round and open.

Don’t go back to sleep.

Jelaluddin rumi
